Media artist David Szauder (b. 1976 in Hungary) studied Art History at the Eötvös Loránd University and Intermedia at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest, and completed a Masters Fellowship at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture at the Aalto University in Helsinki.
I have always been attracted to structures and the so-called soft materials paper, textile, and certain types of wood. I constantly need frameworks as a starting point to begin creating something.
Attila Kertész's area of interest revolves around the unconscious, the exploration of the psyche, and the boundary between the familiar and the unknown, in relation to birth and death. At the same time, he is concerned with the inseparable simultaneity of the vulnerability and security, togetherness and loneliness, happiness and uncertainty of human existence between the beginning and end. He is interested in the continuous change and interaction of these positive and negative emotions, experiences, and perceptions of life, as well as the discovery of the resolution within ourselves through experiencing these emotions as a unified whole.